Friday, April 19, 2013

Wise Words

If you walked in my bedroom and/or bathroom, you would notice one thing very quickly..well something Josh had to point out to me.  That I must like typography. Currently I have #4 hanging in my bedroom and #3 I gave as a gift to a friend (I also have some of her work in my bathroom;)  Above are some typography that I am currently crushing on.

1. How can this print NOT bring you back to childhood?! Found on pinterest but believe it's from (AliMakeThings)

2.  Found on Etsy & still one of my favorite pins! (AmyRiceArt)

3. Calming print that reminds me of living by the beach. (TheLoveShop)

4. Love me some chalk prints & of course e.e. Cummings (Caravan)

5.  Type that would look good in any Bible & words to live by especially at this time. (tumblr)

6. Kitschy, fun print that is oh so true! ;) (Julia Child)

Hope everyone has a fun Friday!  


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