Friday, April 5, 2013

April Showers

This past week, Atlanta has been sunny /cool, cold/windy, and gray/wet.  I am looking forward to this weekend being on the sunny/cool side of the spectrum. Above are a few items on my Pinterest that have me hoping for some Spring.  

1. Any of these Science posters would make me happy. (vol25)
2.  Everything about this bathroom-subway tiles, pale blue walls, fresh flowers by the HUGE tub, and of course why not have a picture collage in the bathroom? (Bathroom Picture Collage)
3. Love the legs on this French marble side table.  This makes me want to find a great wrought-iron base and marble remnant for a DIY project. ;) (No Link found) 
4. Light layers of lace, jewels and a yellow cardigan. (Perfect for this ever-changing weather going on!) (Garden Party)
5. Decoupage has been on the rise, so why not decoupage some eggs?  These would be pretty year around. (Decoupage Eggs)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

p.s.-follow me on Pinterest here

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