Friday, April 19, 2013

Wise Words

If you walked in my bedroom and/or bathroom, you would notice one thing very quickly..well something Josh had to point out to me.  That I must like typography. Currently I have #4 hanging in my bedroom and #3 I gave as a gift to a friend (I also have some of her work in my bathroom;)  Above are some typography that I am currently crushing on.

1. How can this print NOT bring you back to childhood?! Found on pinterest but believe it's from (AliMakeThings)

2.  Found on Etsy & still one of my favorite pins! (AmyRiceArt)

3. Calming print that reminds me of living by the beach. (TheLoveShop)

4. Love me some chalk prints & of course e.e. Cummings (Caravan)

5.  Type that would look good in any Bible & words to live by especially at this time. (tumblr)

6. Kitschy, fun print that is oh so true! ;) (Julia Child)

Hope everyone has a fun Friday!  


Thursday, April 18, 2013


{Display Mirror that I am hoarding ;)}

Here are some of my picks that I am in love with and have been meaning to share!  In between job hunting and interviewing, I would drive around Atlanta looking for new places to pick.  Most of these I found when my parents were visiting and one thing we enjoy doing of course is to go out thrifting and antiquing. Most of these ideas will go to my parents antique store.  Some are listed in my etsy store which you can check out here.  

Remember that picture I posted with all the vintage fans? Well here is why I got so excited to run into them!  This Spartan fan is so neat!  If only it worked..  
{Lunt Sterling Silver Framed Mirror}
Above is a picture of the Lunt Sterling Silver framed mirror I found along with a couple of other mirrors (one of which I am keeping;)  This Lunt mirror is made out of American Sterling Silver! You can click on any of the captions to go to my Etsy account.    

{Chipmunk Chalk Salt & Pepper Shakers }

{Jewelry dresser-Perfect for someone who has more jewelry than I do!}

Beautiful jewelry dresser I picked up from an Estate sale!  The top opens up so you can store more earrings and necklaces (also has a mirror attached on the inside!) it is lined with a emerald green velvet.  I can't wait for someone else to fall in love with it!  

Looking forward to pick some more items!  


p.s.-I am curious to know what you guys have found lately?

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Showers

This past week, Atlanta has been sunny /cool, cold/windy, and gray/wet.  I am looking forward to this weekend being on the sunny/cool side of the spectrum. Above are a few items on my Pinterest that have me hoping for some Spring.  

1. Any of these Science posters would make me happy. (vol25)
2.  Everything about this bathroom-subway tiles, pale blue walls, fresh flowers by the HUGE tub, and of course why not have a picture collage in the bathroom? (Bathroom Picture Collage)
3. Love the legs on this French marble side table.  This makes me want to find a great wrought-iron base and marble remnant for a DIY project. ;) (No Link found) 
4. Light layers of lace, jewels and a yellow cardigan. (Perfect for this ever-changing weather going on!) (Garden Party)
5. Decoupage has been on the rise, so why not decoupage some eggs?  These would be pretty year around. (Decoupage Eggs)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

p.s.-follow me on Pinterest here